Monday, December 1, 2008

What I Know For Sure...

Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday. The obvious reason is the food. I love all the traditional Thanksgiving food and the wonderful smell it brings to our home. The first thing I do when I wake up (which is hours before the rest of my family) is start a pot of wassail. Traditionally wassail has alcohol in it and was used to toast good fortune. Ours is pretty much just hot apple cider. Actually, it's the best hot apple cider and in my opinion, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to toast good fortune. It's a recipe that's been in my mom's family for... I'm not sure how long? When the turkey starts cooking in the oven, the smell just gets better. At the end of the night, the warm pumpkin pie, or pumpkin pie cake at our house, finishes the day of good food and good smells perfectly.

I also love the fact that Thanksgiving isn't so commercialized like other holidays. As soon as Halloween is over the Christmas merchandise goes out. Don't get me wrong, I love all the Halloween and Christmas fluff. I think all the movies and merchandise that go along with the holidays are great fun for everyone. At the same time, I love that Thanksgiving doesn't have all the "fluff". It's about something simple and simply wonderful --gratitude. We always put out our Christmas decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving while our hearts are in that special place. That makes me love Thanksgiving even more.

Some of the things I am thankful for this year ~
* Ron, for being mine.
* Reily, for being such a good example to all of us.
* Jacklyn, for showing me how to be strong and positive through a horrible accident. You never stopped smiling!
* Jim, for being such a great brother, son, husband and father at a time when it would be hard for most people to see past themselves.
* Jennifer, for being my sister and my best friend...always.
* Jason, for always being there for ALL your family. I know that all I have to do is pick up the phone. I'm sure our whole family feels the same way!
* Jon, for calling me because I get busy and things slip my mind. I miss living close to you and your phone calls really help...and your silly text messages.
* April, for being there for Mom and helping her when she needs it.
* Mom, for loving your children and grandchildren and being so involved in all our lives. I love that my kids will text you and you text them back. Thank you for getting on me when I slack on blogging. Not only does it get me going, it shows me how much you care about me and my family.
* Paul & Jackie, for raising a son who works so hard at everything he does. I've seen many times where he's learned that and it's made him the wonderful husband and father he is today.
* Grandma Halversen, for loving all of your very large family and teaching us that we are only as old as we choose to be.
* I am also thankful for all my friends and all the ways we can keep in touch. Maybe one day we all will have blogs ;)

This was our first Thanksgiving without family or friends. At first I was sad about this, but I quickly realized that it was perfect. Not that I wouldn't have welcomed the company of family or friends, I just loved being with Ron, Reily and our pajamas and on only our time schedule. One more thing to add to my 2008 list --- I'm thankful for pajamas that can double as "lounge wear".


shayla said...

I loved reading this post...and I completely agree...thus, the Thanksgiving card in lieu of the Christmas one! Your Thanksgiving sounded wonderfully peaceful!

MommaPrice said...

I loved your Thanksgiving blog. I always feel so connected to you. I like simple thanks.

You are a wonderful daughter. How blessed I am to have you and your family.

chelon:) said...

beautifully said!! ditto on the pjs/loungewear!! soooo comfy :)

Price Cream Parlor said...

This is a sweet post, Michelle. I loved your recap on Thanksgiving and I totally agree with you - fun holiday without being commericialized!
Your notes on your family was really sweet. The Price Clan is pretty wonderful.

Price Cream Parlor said...


3 men and a lady said...

Hello my friend, I let Mandee know to put you on her list. If not I will try harder to keep you updated on the family news. Jaquell is going on her last week of radiation [hopefully] then another scan of her to make sure that they got it all.I love checking in with you.Happy Holidays, Love Kymm

3 men and a lady said...