Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hello and Welcome

My sister in law Lisa has introduced me to the the blogging world. My goal is not only to keep friends and family updated on our family, but to one day have a blog as neat as hers! I'm sure that I'll be taking ideas from her blog. The first idea I'm going to take from Lisa is "100 things about me". I though that this would be a good way to start this whole process.

100 Things About Me

  1. I was born in Anaheim, California.
  2. I was adopted at the age of five.
  3. I'm number five of six children.
  4. I took ballet lessons for a very long time.
  5. I'm scared of heights.
  6. My favorite movie has been the Wizard of Oz for as long as I can remember.
  7. My first doll was named "Pinky"... I still have her.
  8. I HATE peas.
  9. We always had ice cream in our freezer growing up.
  10. My favorite was Rocky Road.
  11. I was on the news once in elementary school for building a sand castle.
  12. I don't have a middle name.
  13. I wish I had a middle name.
  14. My brother, Jim, pulled out my first tooth.
  15. I LOVE to read.
  16. One time I hugged the neighbor when he came home from work thinking it was my dad.
  17. My birthday sometimes falls on Father's Day...I love that.
  18. My birthday is also my brother Jason's anniversary ...I love that too.
  19. My birthday is also my nephew Trevor's birthday...I love that as well.
  20. I think that because I'm adopted I love that my birthday is so connected with my family.
  21. I love Disneyland.
  22. My sister, Jennifer, has always been my best friend and always will be.
  23. We were adopted together.
  24. We are only 14 months apart.
  25. My mom dressed us like twins.
  26. When we were young she had to have eye surgery...I still remember how she smelled when she came home from the hospital.
  27. My brother, Jason, taught me how to play football, soccer, baseball and wrestle.
  28. My dad had a co-worker pretend to be JR (from "Dallas") every time I talked to him at work.
  29. This went on for 5+ years before he told me the truth.
  30. I'm gullible.
  31. My family took a road trip across the US when I was seven.
  32. I get car sick.
  33. Every summer growing up we camped at Leo Carrillo state beach.
  34. I LOVE the beach.
  35. As a child, my dad would take us to my Grandma and Grandpa Price's house on his way to work and pick us up after.
  36. My Grandpa would take us to Thrifty's for Ice cream...triple scoop!
  37. My grandma had a drawer full of candy that she let us eat out of. When she ran out, she'd give us cough drops.
  38. I didn't get to know my grandmother on my mom's side until I went to college. I feel bad about this.
  39. I miss my grandparents.
  40. I was an aunt at 9...a month shy of 10.
  41. I have 22 nieces and nephews.
  42. I'm a great aunt...I mean the usually old kind...although, I think I do a pretty good job.
  43. I met my husband, Ron, at a dance club. He was the DJ.
  44. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
  45. I've been married for 17 years.
  46. The day we were married it was ten degrees below zero!
  47. My sister and I beat a guy up in high school...he was trying to fight our brother.
  48. I wish I could play the guitar.
  49. I always wanted to be a mom when I grew up...nothing else.
  50. I love being a mom!!!
  51. I've broken two bones. A finger on my left hand and a toe on my right foot.
  52. I've always thought buying boy clothes is as much fun as buying girl clothes.
  53. I love Target.
  54. I hate when people add corn to recipes. I only like it by itself...not even in soup.
  55. I have all the letters my brothers wrote me while they were on their missions.
  56. All three of them gave me the talk about boys...about a year apart and in order from oldest to youngest.
  57. I'm glad my daughter has an older brother.
  58. My dad and I would sneak to Red Robin for "mud pie" after ballet.
  59. I'm a huge worrier...to a fault.
  60. I like to watch tennis.
  61. My husband wishes I would make bread like my mother and home-made jam.
  62. I love to karaoke.
  63. I fold my laundry as I pull it out of the dryer.
  64. I love the smell of my mom's laundry, but even though I use the same products mine doesn't smell quite as good.
  65. I think the dishwasher is for sanitizing not getting the food off of dishes.
  66. I don't like salt on popcorn.
  67. I use to stutter when I was little.
  68. I love living in Austin.
  69. I hated Utah winters.
  70. I miss my family and friends.
  71. I've been trying since 1989 to find donuts as good as Blinkies...no luck.
  72. I love going to concerts.
  73. I love to go hiking.
  74. We have a lizard that lives in our backyard...his name is Godzilla. He's our only pet.
  75. I walked in on someone robbing our house when I was in fifth grade.
  76. I grew up with a pool in my backyard and love that my kids have one now .
  77. I can remember accidentally swimming without my "floaties", but thinking I still couldn't swim.
  78. I'm addicted to Animal Planet.
  79. Even though I know it's bad for the environment, I can't stop cleaning with bleach.
  80. I love sushi.
  81. I haven't eaten red meat in seven years.
  82. If I don't exercise I'm cranky...sorry Ron, Reily and Jacklyn.
  83. I love music from the 70s.
  84. I love dressing up for Halloween.
  85. I love going on vacation to Mexico.
  86. I always felt close to my dad....I miss him and still need him.
  87. I've been blessed with great friends- many that I've had since early childhood.
  88. I like Tapioca pudding better hot than cold.
  89. My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.
  90. My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night".
  91. Growing up, every Tuesday was library day...I love that my mom did that!
  92. As soon as my kids could write their names I took them to get their own library cards. Again, thank you mom!
  93. I always feel like my family is there for me.
  94. I'm happy that my son is taller than me, yet I'm really sad at the same time.
  95. My daughter has a beautiful singing voice...thank you Halversen's. I wish I could sing like her.
  96. I played the piano for two years. I didn't like it.
  97. My husband has the most wonderful grandmother and luckily I can call her mine as well.
  98. I love that my kids have a great grandmother that they feel so close to.
  99. I drink way too much diet coke!
  100. I love Abazaba candy bars!


Price Cream Parlor said...

I love this! I learned so much about you! I did cough drops too! I didn't know you don't eat red meat! and I, too LOVE 70's music!
WELCOME! This will be so fun to see your family and stay up to date! I am so excited that you did this!

chelon:) said...

i am amazed that you could come up with 100 things. i sat and tried to think of mine...with no such luck! but i do remember my great grandma giving us candy that tasted like cough drops...could we be related!!! i am so glad that you started to blog :)

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm excited to be able to keep tabs on you and your family. Keep up the blog!